"Down Once More / Track Down This Murderer" – The Phantom, Christine, Raoul, and CompanyĪ song with an asterisk (*) before the title indicates a dance number a character listed in a song with an asterisk (*) by the character's name indicates that the character exclusively serves as a dancer in this song, which is sung by other characters.When the show first opened in New York in 1988, it had already been a hit for two years in London.
"The Point of No Return" – The Phantom and Christine.
Music from Don Juan Triumphant – Piangi, Carlotta, Christine and Company.
"Wandering Child / Bravo, Monsieur!" – Phantom, Christine, and Raoul.
" Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" – Christine.
A Rehearsal for Don Juan Triumphant – Carlotta, Piangi, Christine and Chorus.
"We Have All Been Blind / Twisted Every Way" – Raoul, Firmin, André, and Christine.
"Notes (Reprise)" – Firmin, André, Carlotta, Piangi, Raoul, Christine, Madame Giry, and The Phantom.
"Masquerade / Think of Me (Reprise)" – Ensemble, Christine and Raoul.
"All I Ask of You (Reprise)" – Raoul, Christine, and The Phantom.
"All I Ask of You" – Raoul and Christine.
"Why Have You Brought Us Here? / Raoul, I've Been There" – Raoul and Christine.
"Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh" – Carlotta, Piangi and Company.
"Prima Donna" – Firmin, André, Raoul, Carlotta, Madame Giry, Meg, Piangi, and The Phantom.
"Notes" – Firmin, André, Raoul, Carlotta, Madame Giry, Meg, Piangi, and The Phantom.
"Magical Lasso" – Buquet, Meg, Madame Giry, and Ballet Girls.
Stranger Than You Dreamt It" – Christine and The Phantom
" The Music of the Night" – The Phantom.
"The Phantom of the Opera" – The Phantom and Christine.
"Little Lotte / Angel of Music (Reprise)" – Christine, Raoul, and The Phantom.
A Rehearsal for Hannibal / "Think of Me (Introduction)" – Carlotta, Piangi, Chorus and Ballet Girls / Carlotta, Ballet Girls, André and Buquet.